Do people with chronic health conditions such as heart risk, stay more engaged when they use an Apple Watch to track their health? Or is it just another fitness tracker you will stop using after 3 weeks?
The hottest thing in health and fitness right now, isn’t a new workout video or ancient miracle grain, it’s personal health devices and apps. Sales and downloads may be high, but once the novelty wears off, how well do these devices and apps actually work to keep people engaged with their health.Several studies have shown that health and fitness trackers are only worn for a few weeks before they get shoved into a drawer. Health-related apps can show even higher rates of abandonment and may only help people who already stay on top of their health and don’t really need the assistance. Is the Apple Watch any different? Do people with chronic health conditions like heart risk, stay more engaged when they use an Apple Watch to track their health?

We analyzed the usage data from thousands of Hello Heart users on Apple Watch and iPhone over 9 weeks and the bottom line continues to support our initial research. The Apple Watch really does keep you more engaged and focused on your health over time.Here is what our data revealed:
After 8 weeks, people stay engaged with their health 4X more on Apple Watch than on iPhone-only
When we compared Apple Watch users to iPhone-only users in Hello Heart, we discovered that the number of users who added their blood pressure reading to the Apple Watch was 1.8X higher after a week, 2.4X after 4 weeks and 3.6X after 8 weeks.

It’s easier to form healthy, long-term habits with Apple Watch. Over 70% stay engaged over time.
70% of individuals that track their health in Hello Heart on Apple Watch for more than a week remain engaged after 8 weeks. The Apple Watch helps them to want to instead of have to track their health, so their positive habits continue long after the novelty factor wears off.
Personal health notifications are more intimate and private on Apple Watch. Used 3X more often.
One reason for higher engagement may be Apple Watch notifications. They are personalized and more intimate since they are on your wrist, they are also private. You can check your health at a glance, as opposed to pulling out your phone where others can see it.30% of Apple Watch users added daily reminders to check their blood pressure on the Apple Watch – 3X more than iPhone-only users. Goal feedback along with positive prompts and reminders to check their BP at the right time is key to forming long-term habits.
“It’s always on my wrist and don't have to pull anything out of my pocket anymore when I want to check how I’m doing” Graham Nash, Ontario Canada

It’s just easier to manage your health on the Apple Watch
Another reason that we believe that get the Apple Watch user more engaged is the simplicity of use in the Apple Watch. The Hello Heart Apple Watch app enables people to dictate their BP reading to the watch and enables users to add data without logging in.
“I can enter my daily blood pressure reading twice as fast using the Apple Watch since I don’t need to authenticate, it’s just 5 seconds less but it really does make it easier to track that way” Jaz Garewal, Hello Heart user from Tuscon Arizona
Apple Watch triggers people to care about other medical aspects of their health, not just vital signs
In addition to blood pressure, Hello Heart enables people to manage all of their heart’s health medical data including their drugs, their doctors and their lab results and blood tests imported directly from their hospital or clinic. Apple Watch users have added 2.4X more medical data than iPhone-only users.

When you need to become healthier
For people who actually need to become healthier, Hello Heart on Apple Watch has proven to be effective at engaging users to track and measure their health. If you have heart risk and also have an Apple Watch, use it to create an enduring health habit and sustainable health change.Download the free Hello Heart app and keep a healthy heart.Hello Heart is available on the iTunes App Store for iPhone and Apple Watch.
1. Gazit T, Gutman M, Beatty AL. Assessment of Hypertension Control Among Adults Participating in a Mobile Technology Blood Pressure Self-management Program. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(10):e2127008, Accessed October 19, 2022. (Some study authors are employed by Hello Heart. Because of the observational nature of the study, causal conclusions cannot be made. See additional important study limitations in the publication. This study showed that 108 participants with baseline blood pressure over 140/90 who had been enrolled in the program for 3 years and had application activity during weeks 148-163 were able to reduce their blood pressure by 21 mmHg using the Hello Heart program.) (2) Livongo Health, Inc. Form S-1 Registration Statement. https:/ Published June 28, 2019. Accessed October 19, 2022. (In a pilot study that lasted six weeks, individuals starting with a blood pressure of greater than 140/90 mmHg, on average, had a 10 mmHG reduction.) NOTE: This comparison is not based on a head-to-head study, and the difference in results may be due in part to different study protocols.
2. Validation Institute. 2021 Validation Report (Valid Through October 2022). Final.pdf. Published October 2021. Accessed October 19, 2022. (This analysis was commissioned by Hello Heart, which provided a summary report of self-fundedemployer client medical claims data for 203 Hello Heart users and 200 non-users from 2017-2020. Findings have not been subjected to peer review.)